Itioptics >> product >> Laser Crystal
  • Nd:YAG crystal is the most widely used solid-state laser material today. It has been used in the 'micro/mini' 'DPSS' (Diode Pumped Solid State' laser system to get high quality Red, Green or  Blue laser output in which the blue laser of Nd:YAG crystal has higher efficiency and more easy to realizes than Nd:YVO4 crystal blue laser. Nd:YAG crystal was also widely used in the military, scientific, medical and industrial laser systems, high performance scientific laser systems, laser therapy, cosmetology systems, laser marking, laser drilling and other laser material   processing systems. Especially, Nd:YAG crystal is the best laser material for the high power, high energy, and Q-switched pulse laser systems. The very wide applications of Nd:YAG  crystal in various laser system is because its outstanding performance in physics and mechanics.

  • Nd:YVO4 is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser-pumped solid-state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength, high absorption coefficient and wide absorption bandwidth at pump wavelength, high laser induced damage threshold as well as good physical, optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crystal for high power, stable and cost-effective diode pumped solid-state lasers.
  • Al2O3:Ti3+ - titanium-doped sapphire crystals combine supreme physical and optical properties with broadest lasing range, It's indefinitely long stability and useful lifetime added to the lasing over entire band of 660-1050 nm challenge "dirty" dyes in variety of applications. Medical laser systems, lidars, laser spectroscopy, direct femtosecond pulse generation by Kerr-type mode-locking.

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